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To collect qualitative information about your topic from leaders in the field.

Step 1.

Identify at least three leaders in your innovation’s field or area of impact.

Contact the authors of articles, check LinkedIn pages and mutual connections, and search company websites for department heads or thought leaders.

step 2.

Contact the experts and arrange a time to meet. You could meet in person (ideal), chat on the phone, or ask your questions over email. Be flexible as the team should mold their time to fit the experts schedule.

Step 3.

Before the meeting, write down the questions that you would like each expert to answer.

Step 4.

During the interview itself, restate each present member’s name and the purpose of your project. This will help the expert align their expertise to your innovation. State how the information you receive will be used. Ask the expert if you may record the conversation and/or take notes.

Step 5.

At the end of the interview, thank the expert for their time.

step 6.

Follow-up with the expert at the end of your project. Send them a thank you note or email and inform them of the results of your innovation.