

Students brainstorm solutions and select the features to include in their design.


Potential Activities:


Individual Brainstorming

Individuals come up with 30% more ideas alone than in groups. Use the power of your own mind to generate solutions.


List Users and Issues

Document each user of your solution and what their individual issues are. Some user might overlap and some may have certain specific issues.


Design Requirements

Select the most important requirements for your solution. These will help guide your journey in developing a prototype.


Nominal Group Technique

An integrated approach to problem selection, solution generation, and decision making. Helpful when there are multiple options your team could take, but you can’t decide which one is best.


Mind Mapping

Write down thoughts that come into your mind and start connecting the ideas together.


Window Pane

Organize your project into sections, then connect the sections together to see the whole.


List Adjectives

If you asked someone to describe your solution in just a few words, what would they be? Is it intuitive, cheap, fast, comfortable?


Thinking Hats

Assign members of your team to assume different perspectives. Each person is responsible for advocating for their individual perspective when generating solutions.


Schematic of an Experiment

Generate a diagram of your experimental protocol. What do you want to get out of the experiment?

Outcome chart

Generate possible outcomes that your solution will generate. Which one of these is most optimal for success?

Dream Big

Think of the world-changing possibilities your idea might bring. A few might be really awesome to work toward.

Solution Description

Converge on a single solution as a group. Draw and use text to fully describe your solution.