Students create initial versions of their ideas and make changes based on feasibility and feedback. *These activities are highly recommended.
Potential Activities:
A mockup is a simple barebones version of your solution. This could be a drawing , a PowerPoint walkthrough of an app, or anything that quickly gets your most important ideas across.
Box Diagram
A box diagram can help break down multi-system or multi-step solutions into separate parts.
Very Basic Prototype
A physical, tangible, rendering of your idea. This can be made with simple materials like cardboard and duct-tape or a wireframe template.
Look at your project from a new perspective by modifying the pieces of it in various ways.
List Issues and Solutions
Your prototype isn’t going to work perfectly. Identify some problems and list potential ways to solve them.
Iteration and feedback
Now that you have generated one version of your idea, try and build on it. Go from Version 1.0 to V. 6.0.
Preliminary Experiment
Generate some preliminary data and put your methods to the test. Are your results in line with your expectations?
Give a demonstration of your prototype in action to some users, experts, and people who can generate feedback.
Sometimes you just need to get your idea on film. Think about what you want your audience to take away from the film.
Describe User Experience
Detail what your users will experience as they use your solution. See how these align with their roles.
*MVP Production
This is the prototype that achieves all the functionality you want without any streamlining. Demonstrates your idea in action.