Form Teams


List out the most compelling topics and projects you are interested in. Talk to your peers and find out what ideas they had. Make a list of topics and ideas, then write out who else was interested in them.


+ Team Roles

When determining your role in a team, answer these questions as honestly as you can. It is important that each team that forms has a diversity of roles. Each team should also consider if their roles align with the project's goal. There is a full test to determine team roles here.

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+ Team Role Definitions

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+ Tips for Forming Good Teams

  1. Learn what defines the strengths and capabilities of your team. It is important to understand every aspect of your team and where people can contribute to the project.
  2. Clearly define roles and responsibilities: This will allow team members to hold themselves and others accountable as it can lead to a chain of command for each aspect of the project.
  3. Give constructive and continuous feedback: This can help to quickly identify problem areas and also creates a culture that can give negative feeback wisely in order to facilitate achieving team goals.
  4. Highlight positive actions: Rewarding team members for exceptional performance can increase their willingness to complete tasks as they will feel valued for their actions. [ 2 ]

+ Team Sustainability Checklist

  • Do all team members care about the problem/is the project of personal importance to each member?
  • Does each team member bring something unique to the group (skill, insight, connection, etc)?
  • Is each team member committed to the team/problem for the duration of the project?
  • Are the team member’s personalities compatible?
  • Is there a clear visionary leader?
  • Is there a clear logistical leader?
  • Do team members like each other enough to support each other’s ideas, opinions?
  • Does the team have fun together?
  • Do team members have compatible communication styles?
  • Is each team member committed to contributing their fair share?
  • Do team members have clear roles, plans, and goals?
  • Does each team member see the potential impact of the project?

+ Four Stages of Team Formation

It is important to be able to recognize which stage your team is in. This can help the team mitigate problems before they arise. [ 3 ]

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[1] “The Nine Belbin Team Roles.” Belbin,

[2] Llopis, Glenn. “6 Ways Successful Teams Are Built To Last.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 22 Oct. 2012,

[3] “5 Stages of Team Development.” Toggl,